General medical check-up, blood test, urine test
at Shinshu University affiliated hospital (Matsumoto city) on every Monday
*Associated with Japan Chernobyl Foundation. The check-up will go through this foundation, and the examination fee will be supported by the foundation.
at Uwa Central Hospital on every Friday for maximum twice a month
*Associated with Japan Chernobyl Foundation. The check-up will go through this foundation, and the examination fee will be supported by the foundation.
Medical environment around Shigamura area
Aida Hospital(near the dormitory), including internal medicine, surgical department and emerg outpatient treatment.
Matsumoto city nighttime medical care centre of paediatrics and internal medicine (In side Matsumoto city, 20min from the dormitory by car)
Receipt time: 6:30p.m. – 11p.m.